Untitled (Wait) 2011
I was invited to do a performance at Art Contemporary Fair in Los Angeles. I cast a water glass out of sugar, and requested a table, a chair, and a microphone. I sat down on the chair, and Jason Underhill poured me a glass of water, in the glass that I had cast. For a period of one hour, I waited. Two audience members came and spoke to me, asking me what I was doing, what the title of the piece was, and if I knew that my last name was that of an element in the periodic table. After 15 min. or so, the bottom of the glass dissolved, and the water seeped out of the glass, flooded the table, and started to drip onto the carpet. This briefly caught the audience's attention, but soon thereafter, people started shuffling out. A couple came in to eat lunch in the auditorium. Forty minutes into the piece, the janitor started to vacuum the space. As soon as the hour mark had been reached, I stood up and walked away. The few onlookers that had remained clapped, at which point the other people in the room looked to see what had happened, but there was nothing to see, other than the wet table top and the dissolved fragments of the cast sugar glass.